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Po - Pia 7.30 - 16.30


+421/2/444 574 56




Po - Pia 7.30 - 16.30


+421/903 765 428



Po - Št 7.00 - 16.00

Pia 7.00 - 13.00


+421/2/444 574 56




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(urgentný servis)


+421/905 605 880



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Korešpodenčná a fakturačná adresa sídla firmy:

Korytnická 8

SR - 821 07 Bratislava


Servisné dielne:

Vajnorská 137

83103 Bratislava-Nové Mesto


IČO: 356 956 84

DIČ: 202 087 1358

Vložka číslo: 11479/B

IČ DPH: SK 202 087 1358


Guangzhou International Brand Forklift & Accessory Exhibition
June 18th-20th , 2014

Guangzhou International Brand Forklift & Accessory Exhibition is an international trade fair for forklifts and accessories. Many international exhibitors from countries such as China, Japan, Korea, Canada, Germany, Australia and the United States show the latest forklift trucks, equipment and other technology for the transportation sector. It is an excellent opportunity to view the latest products on the market or to establish new business contacts









QuickPick® Remote order picking technology nominated for the IFOY Award 2014

QuickPick Remote, Crown’s new order picking technology, has been nominated for the 2014 International Forklift Truck of the Year (IFOY) Award in the Warehouse Trucks category. The system combines a Crown low-level order picker with an intuitive remote control device. By simplifying the working processes involved in low-level order picking, this solution improves productivity and reduces fatigue without comprising safety.
The awards, which are sponsored by the VDMA Material Handling and Logistics Systems Sector Association, will be presented in May at the CeMAT exhibition in Hanover. The IFOY Award is presented in five categories by a jury made up of internationally-reputed trade journalists. - See more...